About Us
We create and support the foundation of life with technology and bring smiles to everyone.
JFE Technos is a “recreāre* company” that enriches human life.
- • Creating an environmentally friendly, convenient and more affluent life.
- • Bringing new life and revitalization to facilities and infrastructure.
※ (recreāre)・・・“revitalization” or ”re-creation” in Latin.
Work Field of Technos

Approach to renewable energy sources

JFE Technos provides solutions
for the 5 major renewable
energy sources.
①Solar Power Generation

Thanks to our wide experience since before the start of FIT (Feed in Tariff), our experts in civil engineering and construction, as well as electricity, provide installation planning, permit application, construction and maintenance with high responsiveness.
②Wind Power Generation

We started EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) and equipment supply in 1996, at the time of the creation of large wind turbines in Japan.
Our wide track record and experience allow us to handle services from planning to EPC and maintenance.
③Hydroelectric Power Generation

Based on the technology built up by JFE Engineering Group, we provide total support for planning, design, construction and installation of small-scale hydroelectric power plants, and contribute to local production for local consumption of electricity.
④Biomass Power Generation

We offer our customers the optimum maintenance solutions, including life extension of facilities, utilizing the most advanced technology. We are also engaged in EPC for small-scale biomass power plants.
⑤Geothermal Power Generation

Based on JFE steam turbine maintenance experience, we propose the optimum maintenance plans, including regular inspections for the whole geothermal power generation facilities and extension of facility life.