Bridge Maintenance
There are about 700,000 bridges in Japan. Many were built during Japan’s era of high economic growth from the mid-1950s to the early 1970s, and the bridge piers now need repair, reinforcement and maintenance.
In order to keep bridge infrastructure in good condition, JFE Technos responds to requests with the combined technologies and know-how of the JFE Group.
Examples of Bridge Maintenance Work
Seismic reinforcement work
Life extension work
Inspection, investigation, examination and diagnosis
Example of Quality Inspection
Equipment investigation and diagnosis are carried out through nondestructive inspection and mechanical testing, and equipment is maintained in a safe condition with outstanding technologies and know-how. We can diagnose corrosion, fatigue and deterioration and propose appropriate repairs and reinforcement for each condition. We also perform diagnoses of large-scale cranes, motors and other equipment and can propose remaining life diagnosis.
Delivery Record