Mechanical Parking Systems
JFE Technos provides environment-friendly parking systems for diverse site conditions, from large-scale parking facilities centering on urban areas to condominium parking that’s close to everyday life. JFE Technos parking systems not only offer outstanding economy and safety, but are also speedy and easy to operate. In addition to maintenance, we provide total support from various angles, including operation management.
JFE Technos Original Technology
for Mechanical Parking Systems
JFE Technos realizes the performance demanded in mechanical parking systems with its comb-shaped tray and comb-shaped lift technology.
This unique JFE Technos technology meets the needs of customers for faster and easier car parking.

Speedy Car Parking and Retrieval
JFE Technos’s palletless “comb-shap” system enables speedy parking and retrieval of automobiles.
Excellent Earthquake Resistance Performance
Has a structure in which the lateral trays loaded with cars are locked by rollers and cannot drop in an earthquake.
High Degree of Design Freedom

Low noise
Because the teeth of the tray and lift mesh smoothly, noisy machinery contact is minimized.
Maintenance Service
Regular maintenance is required not only for the safety of users, but also for extending the life of mechanical equipment and reducing the burden of parts replacement work. We will perform careful and speedy maintenance by a staff of specialists for pleasant use of car and bicycle parking facilities.