Biomass Power Generation

Biomass power generation is an “environment-friendly” technology that makes it possible to generate electricity with no greenhouse gas emissions by effectively utilizing unused resources, without using fossil fuels. Biomass enables low-cost power generation and has also attracted attention as a “solution technology,” for example, for reducing the power costs of production equipment.
JFE Technos proposes the optimum maintenance program, including life extension of the Client’s equipment, based on regular inspections and equipment diagnosis of biomass generating equipment.

Biomass Power
Plant Maintenance

JFE Technos performs maintenance of the CFB (circulating fluidized bed) biomass power generation facilities, including combustion chamber, cyclone, loop seal, convection chamber, fuel conveying equipment, ash treatment equipment, ventilation equipment, boiler auxiliaries, steam turbine, turbine auxiliaries, generator and other equipment.
At the same time, we also propose maintenance suited to the Client’s individual circumstances based on regular inspections of the equipment using leading-edge technologies.

  • ・Study and planning using
    3D tools
  • ・Presentation by video overview of construction work

    (for renewal construction)
  • ・Recommendations for trend of heat transfer tube thickness reduction

    by boiler simulation
  • ・Evaluation and introduction of elemental maintenance technologies

    (continuous UT inspection, drone UT measurement)

EPC project of Small-Scale Biomass Power Plant


JFE Technos proposes the optimum equipment configuration for the Client’s biomass fuel use conditions and generating capacity.
We provide an financing analysis of the return on investment for the equipment cost and annual running costs.

Engineering Services

JFE Technos undertakes the entire series of engineering processes from design, procurement of materials and equipment to manufacture, construction and commissioning. We can provide the most suitable engineering package for the Client’s needs, can also provide technologies of our overseas partner companies, the European company Valmet.

After-the-Sale Service

We provide the optimum maintenance services for the Client’s equipment configuration and operating conditions. We can also support the Client’s study of equipment renewal or updating in case of changes in use conditions.

Example of Equipment Flow

Example of Equipment Flow

Example of Equipment Layout

Example of Equipment Layout

Biograte and Fuel Feeding

Biograte and Fuel Feeding

For more information

For inquiries related to Biomass Power Generation,
please click “Contact us Form”.