Solar Power Generation Systems
Solar power generation has attracted new interest recently, as its main aim has changed from sale of electricity connected to the power grid to an off-grid self-consumption scheme.
The JFE Group has been involved in the solar power business since before the start of the FIT scheme. Based on this long experience, our expert engineers have outstanding capabilities not only for electrical engineering, but also for civil engineering and construction management.
We are ready to meet the Client’s needs in the fields of basic engineering, obtaining approvals from the authorities, EPC, and maintenance.

Why is the self-consumption model of solar power attractive for businesses?
Cost reduction by reducing electricity charges
The self-consumption scheme reduces charges for electricity, and is also eligible for exemption from the “renewable energy levy” (surcharge on purchased electricity to support renewables).
Unit cost of renewal energy levy: ¥2.98/kWh (from May 2020 to April 2021)
Corporate environmental efforts
Environmental efforts are increasingly indispensable for companies, and efforts related to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are becoming a common practice. RE100, an initiative in which companies commit to achieving 100% renewal energy, requires cooperation by not only a company itself, but also its affiliated companies and business partners. Self-consumption type solar power enhances corporate value, and business opportunities with companies participating in RE100 can also be expected.
Reduction of air-conditioning load by rooftop installation
Rooftop installation of solar panels makes it possible to reduce the load on air-conditioning because the roof is not directly exposed to sunlight.
Zero initial investment by utilizing the PPA model
Under the PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) model of solar power generation, the operator of a power generating business installs the solar power system at its own expense, and sells the generated electricity to the building owner. Since the building owner does not bear the initial investment and maintenance costs, this scheme makes it easier for building owners to start solar power generation.

Solar Power at JFE Technos
JFE Technos has practical experience with diverse solar power systems. We can provide one-stop service utilizing the know-how and technology of the entire JFE Group.
WWe prepare plans that meet the Client’s needs. We can propose the optimum project execution scheme even for difficult conditions such as heavy snowfall, coastal areas, extremely soft ground, etc.
We offer consulting services based on our experience, and can also provide support for applications to governmental authorities. -
Design / Construction
JFE Technos can provide the most suitable installation method for the Client’s actual site. Our team of expert civil engineers can propose design/construction and safe installation methods for even the most difficult sites!
Operation and maintenance (O&M) is necessary for ensuring stable long-term operation. JFE Technos offers one-stop service covering all stages from project planning to operation. We can also provide assistance for projects constructed by other companies.
Our accomplishments include solar power facilities on sites ranging for idle land and abandoned golf courses to steep slopes, factory and warehouse roofs, parking facilities for large/small vehicles, seashore areas subject to the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act and cold regions with heavy accumulations of snowfall.
Installation on building roofs

Mountainous areas / Abandoned golf courses

Large-scale projects