Steam Turbine Maintenance
Steam turbines, which are essential for a stable energy supply, are driven by high temperature, high pressure steam, but as deterioration with age progresses, fatigue, wear and deformation are unavoidable. For this reason, expert maintenance is necessary and indispensable. JFE Technos proposes maintenance suited to the customer, from follow-up for periodic inspections to emergency response.
Steam Turbine Maintenance
The history of steam turbines in the JFE Group can be traced back to the 1940s, and over this long period, the group has accumulated a record of deliveries of various types of turbines and the accompanying maintenance technologies. JFE Technos proposes maintenance with an excellent balance of repair work and economy based on appropriate diagnosis of the deterioration condition and trend management.
In recent years, demand for small- and medium-scale turbines for biomass power, waste heat recovery power and other forms of renewable energy power generation has increased, and our technologies are being used both in Japan and other countries.