Mechanical Bicycle Parking System “Cycle Tree”
It can be difficult to provide a pleasant environment for users of bicycle parking around department stores and other commercial buildings and stations in urban areas, where securing space is a problem.
JFE Technos grappled with this problem of bicycle parking and commercialized “Cycle Tree,” a solution that provides a pleasant environment for both bicycle users and pedestrians.
About Cycle Tree
Aboveground type
Aboveground Cycle Tree systems are available in a cylindrical type and a horizontal type. These bicycle parking facilities make it possible to utilize the limited space in front of stations and space under raised railroad tracks and other elevated structures. Diverse designs are possible to suit the surrounding scenery.
Underground type
Underground Cycle Tree systems are available in a cylindrical type and horizontal type. The occupied space at ground level is kept the absolute minimum.
Build in type
Enables effective use of space because the bicycle parking equipment is incorporated in the underground or rooftop space of an office building or commercial facility, taking advantage of the framework of the building. An effective solution in areas where building owners are required to install bicycle parking.

Maintenance Service